Eternal Life has been sought after for all human history. It has manifested in ideas like the “after life.” “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16. These early ideas of eternal life exist just like the myths of Greek Gods. These myths were the only way humans could trick themselves into having what they desired so much. Since they had no way of maintaining their earthly bodies, they created stories to allow themselves to believe their beings could transcend their human bodies. Just as humans would use myth to explain what they couldn't know, they used myth to allow themselves to have what they couldn't have. Throughout history, humans have slowly begun to understand phenomena with the new technologies we are learning to create. Science tells us why a tornado happens, and now science is going to tell us how to tangibly achieve our species spanning goal of eternal life. We are in a moment in history where we don't need to rely on myth to live forever. We have the knowledge and tools to do it. Aging kills about 110,00 people on average every day. This is unacceptable and can be changed by science and technology.
This site offers personal experience in the new journey towards a scientific, concrete, and everlasting existence on earth.