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People obsess about relationships and neglect to focus all that time on something more important. You could devote some of that time to something like stopping aging. Some people think that putting time and money into a family is the best way to spend your life, but what I think is that you should first achieve eternal life, and then once you have the security of not dying, you can start focusing on other things like love.

Relationships are among the most challenging things we human beings can engage in. We need to have a more eternal perspective on things. We need to stop rushing our love life. Eternal life is much more important than relationships. You have an eternity to find the perfect partner. Relationships are necessary to be happy. How can you be happy without a relationship? Some people do need a relationship like a crutch. A lot of people need a pet just like a lot of people need a relationship. It takes a lot of strength to refuse a weak relationship that is possible. If you die, then your tragic relationship is even more sad. Even a good relationship is rendered tragic when you die. It is not an added benefit; it makes it even more sad. It might take you a thousand years to find your eternal love. This is supposed to be motivational though. This should drive you to want to live forever. It is certainly a good thing. You need to wait for that perfect person you meet in the future. If you already found that person, you want to live with forever then it is good that you found them. Don't settle because sometimes you feel rushed because you have a temporary outlook on life. It is very simple. Just find the person you want to live forever with and then end your love search. Don't settle. Without forced love, you can focus more on allowing yourself to live forever which will allow you to let love happen as it is meant to.

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